IRS Problems

The focus of our firm is helping individuals and business owners deal with IRS problems like a large tax debt bill, accumulated penalties and interest, or liens, levies and garnished wages. In this category of our blog, we have written various articles about these sorts of IRS tax problems and how to address them.

IRS Problems

Eight Mistakes Tax Practitioners Make When Negotiating With the IRS

Eight Mistakes Tax Practitioners Make When Negotiating With the IRS

Important Tips to Keep From Getting Your Client in MORE Hot Water

Representing citizens with IRS problems is a challenge. The IRS has little sympathy for delinquent individuals and businesses. Fortunately, citizens have rights and, through their legal representative, they can successfully negotiate a resolution that allows them to move on with their lives. To effectively represent their clients, tax practitioners must know the law, the rules and IRS policy.

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The IRS Is Impossible To Deal With

IRS Myth: The IRS Is Impossible To Deal With

The IRS has rules that they must follow. There is the Internal Revenue Code. That is the law and whether they like it or not, they must follow it.

They also have the Internal Revenue Manual which they follow 100% of the time as long as they like what it says. When they do not like what it says, they follow it 0% of the time. The Manual contains their rules and guidelines, but it is this not the law, meaning taxpayers are not bound by it.

It is my job as a Tax Attorney to hold their feet to the fire and make sure that they comply with the law and follow their own procedures.

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Florida tax attorney cnc

Owe the IRS Money and Can’t Make Payments?

One of my favorite tax problem solutions is to have the IRS declare my client Currently Not Collectible (CNC). This is for citizens who cannot make even the smallest payments on their outstanding debts. Maybe they are out of work, short or long term, or maybe they just do not make enough income to pay all of their expenses. If this is the case, CNC status is often the answer.

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Why Taxpayers Should Never Talk to the IRS!!

“Before I get help for my IRS problem, I’m going to go speak personally to the IRS officer or agent. Once they hear what I have to say, I am sure they will understand.” Some people who receive a notice from the IRS think that this is a great strategy because after all, what could go wrong? The answer is EVERYTHING.

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The IRS has 10 Years to Collect, But …

When I obtain transcripts from the IRS for my clients I always look for the day the tax was assessed because the IRS only has 10 years to collect the debt. However, there are some events that can occur over that period of time that stops the Statute of Limitations temporarily. They include offers in compromise, collection due process hearings, requests for installment agreements, and bankruptcies.

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Settling Your IRS Tax Debt

Learning that you have tax debt can be unwelcome financial news, especially if you didn’t account for additional tax payments in your budget.

Though you’re legally obligated to settle back taxes that are legitimately owed, there are cost-effective payment methods you can use to settle IRS tax debt. Here are some of the most popular payment options to consider for tax debt relief, and the pros and cons of each.

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