Most taxpayers believe that the IRS has unlimited authority to collect taxes. Sometimes we get the feeling that the IRS also believes that. Nothing could be farther from the truth—the IRS is still bound by Federal laws. These laws give citizens many rights, including due process and the right to appeal proposed actions by the IRS. For example, before the Revenue Officer can levy wages or bank accounts, the taxpayer has the right to have an Appeals Officer look at the case and decide a better alternative.
These rights provide taxpayers with a fair and just process to resolve any disputes or disagreements with the IRS. On top of that, taxpayers have the right to legal representation during any interactions with the IRS, ensuring their interests are protected. It is crucial for taxpayers to be aware of their rights and to exercise them when necessary to ensure a fair and equitable tax system for all.
Unfortunately for the individual, IRS personnel do not explain to them all of their rights. Much of the correspondence that they send does not clearly explain these rights. Always remember that the IRS is not on your side. They have one mission, and that is to collect.
Here’s how we can help you…
At the law office of Steven N. Klitzner, whose specialty is resolving IRS problems, we know all of your rights and can exercise them. We can help you understand all of your options, including tax debt negotiation.
• We can answer key questions related to your tax problems.
The first thing that we do is get the IRS transcripts and analyze them. We are looking for many things, including whether all tax returns are filed, whether the amount due is correct, what letters have been sent, and when the Statute of Limitations runs. Next, we need a snapshot of your financial situation, including your assets, income, and expenses.
Now we can answer the following questions:
- How much is really owed?
- Are you eligible for an Offer in Compromise, which can save you thousands of dollars?
- Can you pay the IRS with an Installment Agreement?
- Are you currently uncollectible, meaning that the IRS will stop all collection action?
• We can negotiate with the IRS for you.
Negotiating the tax debt varies from case to case. Sometimes, we deal with a local Revenue Officer. Other times, we submit the paperwork and wait. When we are contacted by telephone or mail, it is time to work out the best deal for our client. This process can sometimes be done quickly. If we cannot reach an agreement, we can appeal to an Appeals Officer, whose job it is to settle the case. This is where we generally get the best results for our clients.
• We can utilize gray areas and guidelines to strengthen your case.
Here is the secret: although the IRS likes to look at numbers in black and white, there are many gray areas that taxpayers do not know about. There are also guidelines in the IRS Manual that they often need to be reminded of. By knowing what can and cannot be accepted, we can be very effective and successful on behalf of the taxpayer.
With the stakes involved with tax debt negotiation, seeking the help of a professional is advisable. We give all prospective clients a free, confidential consultation. In one hour, we can tell you what your options are and what we can do for you.
Contact us today for a free consultation regarding your tax debt negotiation needs at 305-564-9199 and take the first step toward solving your IRS problem forever.