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Host 00:00
Welcome to Good Morning Keys on Keystar 96.9, 1025. And Good Morning Keys, it is Keystar 969, 1025, the talk of the keys. Wow, look at this, the day before the day before Thanksgiving already. And this time next month we will have already gone through Christmas, unbelievable.
Host 00:28
Checking the traffic for you quickly, we do have a couple of accidents to talk about, as the traffic does start to pick up here quickly. Accident with no injuries, that is occurring in US 1, of course, 17 mile marker Sugarloaf Boulevard and Sugarloaf Key.
Host 00:42
Keep that in mind, that is slowing things down in that area. Also, the upper keys are friends of 96.9, listening up towards upper keys and into Miami. Accident with a hit and run happening right now, 104, 801, overseas highway that’s near the Key Largo Elementary School.
Host 00:57
So hopefully, there’s no details that will be too disturbing there, but that is causing some slowdowns. As well, 73 degrees now, we’re on our way to 80, looking like a nice weekend, and even before that Thanksgiving Day, sunny and high of 80.
Host 01:11
We’ll get to that detail a little later on. But right now we want to get to our friend Steven Klitzner. He’s the IRS Tax Attorney Law Office of Steven Klitzner, PA, Good morning to you, Steven.
Steven 01:23
Yeah, good morning, Michael.
Host 01:24
Yeah, so thanks so much for being here. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. You have a house full today, it sounds like.
Steven 01:30
Well, yes, we have some, my kid and his family came in from Orlando. They’re actually leaving before Thanksgiving, so we’re having a pre-Thanksgiving celebration. Then my other kids and family will all be here for Thanksgiving.
Host 01:44
Yes, well, thank you to you. We are thankful that you are here to give us all kinds of advice throughout this past year and beyond, and certainly a happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Steven 01:55
Host 01:55
I’m sorry, go ahead.
Steven 01:57
Yeah, no. And I was going to say, you know, everybody. Thanksgiving, they go around saying, what are you thankful for? And you always want to go first, because you want to be the first to go my family, my friends, I’m thankful for this and that.
Host 02:08
Steven 02:08
But what I always say is, I’m thankful for the IRS, because the IRS and I’m the only person that’s ever says this, I can go last, no one else is going to be thankful for the IRS. And I’m thankful they’ve kept me in business all these years, allowed me to, to fight them on a daily basis. Now, if you’re sitting at your Thanksgiving table, and you go around and they ask what you’re thankful for, what you don’t want to be thinking is, I’m thankful the IRS hasn’t come after me yet. Because if that’s what you’re thinking, you need to take some action. to prevent that from happening
Host 02:45
yes yes indeed well and and that is just trying to buy some time taking it down the road but they’re going to catch up with you they’ve been called the largest collection agency in the world they want their money they’re going to get their money however even the irs does take a holiday from time to time they’ve kind of geared down during the holiday season and you had mentioned steve that it is a good time to kind of prepare yourself and get yourself in gear as they’re kind of slowing down is that right
Steven 03:12
yes the time of year most of it seems like almost everybody at the iris goes on vacation because they don’t use it they’re going to lose it so they need to take their vacation whether they like it or not and their policy is from December 6 to December 26 they back off on levies they ruin enough people’s lives they don’t need to also ruin their holidays so they do back off for 20 days however that means leading up to December 6 they issue a lot of levies they take their action they go on vacation and then they wait until they come back to solve the problem but this is a good time because when they’re resting when they’re sleeping you shouldn’t be resting too this is the opportunity to take action yeah
Host 03:58
well you know i’ve often thought that the grinch probably is employed by the irs it seems like that’s the personality type i could be wrong but they do actually work with taxpayers and you help facilitate that and one way to get that started is to call Steven Klitzner 305-682-1118 the Florida Tax Solvers so a lot of people do want to enjoy the holidays however they do still get those letters they still have that hanging over their head as far as their irs tax debt maybe a lien maybe a levy maybe unfiled returns really the best way to give yourself a holiday present get peace of mind is to call Steven Klitzner am i right about that?
Steven 04:35
oh i i would agree with you 100 percent you know we had somebody yesterday and he had he owes a lot of of money, several hundred thousand dollars in penalty alone. And, you know, there’s never a guarantee. I think I have a good chance to get the penalty abated, but it’s much harder than people think. And at one point he said, maybe I should just try doing this myself. And I said, you know what, you can do that. You can try doing it yourself. And when he thought about it, he goes, no, wait a minute, I should have you do this. It’s not something I should be doing. And he’s right.
Host 05:09
Well, you know, I had a kidney removed not long ago. Maybe I should have tried that myself too, is that, that’s probably- Well, that’s true. Yeah, that could have, you could have done it. All you had to do was just go online and you can watch a YouTube video.
Host 05:21
You’d be good to go. Yeah, well, yeah, case in point. It’s, you need to leave it to the experts. Steven Klitzner is certainly one of those many years helping taxpayers resolve their tax problems in front of the IRS.
Host 05:33
Steven Klitzner, the law office of, 305-682-1111. So, yes, certainly the holiday time coming into a new year, there really isn’t a better time to consider getting your house in order and your taxes in order as well.
Host 05:50
Head into the new year and get things started because that’s really what the IRS is looking for you to do.
Steven 05:55
Yeah, that said, and if you want to resolve the problem, you’ve got to catch up and file all your returns first.
Steven 06:02
And this is time of year where a lot of folks say, all right, this is the year I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it. But then when it comes time to do it, to catch up, to file your returns, to start dealing with the past tax problems, they feel very overwhelmed.
Steven 06:18
And I get it because it is overwhelming. And that’s why, you know, what I do basically a lot of times initially is they bring me into quarterback the situation, make some decisions, decide what to do, put things in a working order to get them organized and to get this under control.
Steven 06:39
Because no matter how bad it looks, no matter how tangled the web, it can always be untangled and it’s never as bad as you think it’s going to be. It could be bad, but never as bad as you think.
Host 06:51
Yeah, and it’s also a free consultation just to see where things stand and see what Steven Klitzner and his team at Florida Tax Solvers can do for you. Again, 305-682-1118 is a good way to start that. So how many people over the years, Steven, have come to you with, you know, a stack of letters that they’ve just kind of collected or maybe not even opened?
Host 07:12
Really, you need to start from the beginning, but I’m sure that there’s a number of people who walk in with just a lot of those letters in their hand.
Steven 07:19
And they’re always unopened. And they always seem to smell like smoke. And there’s coffee stains on them. I think people are just sitting by their kitchen drinking coffee, spilling it on the letters, or they’re using the letters as coasters, and they just stare at the letters, hoping they don’t count if they don’t open it. But of course, they do count and there’s some very important rights in those letters that expire and you know sometimes somebody will come to me and I’ll look at a letter and I’ll go oh this is good it’s dated November 15th we’ve got time to take care of this and then I look it’s November 15th 2021 so it’s got it so the earlier you do it you just can’t be in hiding it’s amazing what we can accomplish when we tackle the letters and take things on before they come after us before there’s a revenue officer driving you crazy we can resolve the case and it’s a lot easier and it’s a lot less intrusive too if we can resolve it before we arrive in the office.
Host 08:27
Yeah, again, Steven Klitzner with, 305-682-1118 to the office of Steven Klitzner practicing here locally in the Keys and in South Florida for many years. So there’s a number of different ways that Steven can help you with your IRS tax problems. He’s got the playbook that the IRS uses. He knows the personnel and the players. So certainly do yourself a favor and give him a call. Really, representing the taxpayer to the IRS, I can’t emphasize enough how much peace of mind that must bring.
Host 09:02
Just a small case in point, that corporate transparency act that is looming where all corporations have to file by the end of the year, that’s something that I’ve just been kind of putting off. Well, yesterday I finally went and did it, fairly easy process, but that peace of mind of getting that out of the way and taking care of something that has been looming really is hard to describe, I think.
Steven 09:27
Yeah, that’s one of those things that could involve some severe penalties. And as a matter of fact, just to give you the example, I kind of practice what I preach that you shouldn’t really do things on your own.
Steven 09:38
I have my CPA do it for me. I could have done it. I wanna make sure it got done right. It got done on time. There were no questions. I said, you do it and now it’s done and I feel great. And it’s not looming over my head.
Host 09:51
Yep, much like the IRS can be looming over a lot of taxpayers’ heads, but now you have to be worried as to whether I did mine properly. We’ll have to take another look. Steven Klitzner, the law office of Steven Klitzner, tax attorney,, 305-682-1118.
Host 10:10
And even if you think you can’t afford an attorney and afford professional help, really you’re gonna come out ahead in the long run. Steven has talked a number of times about how he does charge a flat fee, but you’re…
Host 10:23
problems go away you’re much further ahead when it’s all said and done
Steven 10:26
well yeah there’s no question the investment is well worth it because it’s all about value if I don’t think I have value then I can’t help you I think I have value I’ll tell you what it is and almost every time I’m right on something and that’s what I’m right on.
Host 10:47
yeah indeed well again the holiday season do yourself a favor if you have any issues with the IRS call Steven Klitzner 305-682-1118, so here’s maybe a misnomer that might be looming some people may suppose that since president Trump has been reelected he’s going to be friendly to businesses and taxpayers the IRS threats will go away and well maybe I’ll wait and see what happens you know with the administration after the first of the year etc is there any any credence to that at all
Steven 11:23
Well, there could be some changes, but certainly things aren’t going away. Certainly one day you’re not going to wake up and no longer have to file the old returns or no longer have to pay the old debt. It’s just a question of how they’re going to start administering it, and we’ll see, but that’s going to take some time also, but the one thing is for sure, the IRS is not going away.
Host 11:46
No, and they’ve already hired a lot of those tens of thousands of agents that are out there looking for money and trying to collect from the taxpayer. So again, it is Steven Klitzner,, practicing in the Florida Keys and South Florida, 305-682-1118.
Host 12:04
It can’t be overstated other, as well, Steven, about the fact that you are local. Those 800 numbers from who knows where, what country even, we have no idea where you’re calling when you call that 800 number, looking for tax help.
Host 12:17
You have the relationships, not only with your clients, but with the IRS, and that is invaluable. Right, and even if you don’t come in to see me personally, even if we only talk on the phone or on Zoom, I’m here, I’m local.
Steven 12:34
You don’t feel like there’s some mystery placed thousands of miles away where I’m working at some cubbyhole. I have my office here in Miami, and I represent people all over South Florida, and in the Keys, helping them take care of their IRS problems.
Host 12:50
Yes, indeed, and you’ve been doing so for many years. Again, it’s 305-682-1118, the direct line for Steven Klitzner at online, as well. You can find out more, and there’s a lot of resources there that you can take advantage of.
Host 13:06
So Steven, I know you have to get back to your family there who’s visiting. I certainly hope you enjoy your time. Sounds like you’re going to have a couple of Thanksgiving dinners in the next couple of days, but anything we should mention, though, at this time before we let you continue with your day.
Steven 13:20
Now, just have a great Thanksgiving, and enjoy. the upcoming holiday season it’s that time of year we look forward to it all year and it’s here now so everybody big smile on your face and have a great time with your family and friends
Host 13:34
yes very true well thank you Steven you do the same we appreciate you being here and again giving us your knowledge and advice and expertise one more time to call Steven directly 305-682-1118 online for the law office of Steven Klitzner PA tax attorney so Steven thank you again happy Thanksgiving we’ll talk soon
Steven 13:55
thanks Michael take care well
Host 13:57
yes sir you do the same it’s Steven Klitzner at