Should you hire a Local Tax Attorney or a National Company?

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When it comes to resolving an IRS problem, many taxpayers consider hiring a national
company to represent them. While it may seem like a convenient and efficient option,
using a local attorney may be a better choice. Here are some reasons why:

1. Personalized Attention

When you hire a local attorney, you are likely to receive personalized attention. Local
attorneys tend to have smaller caseloads, which means they have more time to devote
to each client. They can provide you with more one-on-one attention and can better
understand your specific needs and concerns.

In contrast, national companies often have a high volume of clients and may assign
your case to a team of junior associates or paralegals. This can result in a lack of
personalized attention and may leave you feeling like just another case number.

2. Familiarity with Local IRS Offices

Local attorneys often have established relationships with the IRS offices in their area.
They may know the IRS agents who will be handling your case and can use their
knowledge and connections to negotiate on your behalf.

National companies may not have the same level of familiarity with local IRS offices.
They may have to spend time building relationships with the IRS agents in your area,
which can delay the resolution of your case.

3. Cost Savings

Using a local attorney can also save you money in the long run. National companies
often charge higher fees to cover their overhead costs, such as advertising and
marketing expenses. Local attorneys, on the other hand, have lower overhead costs
and may be able to offer more affordable rates.

In addition, using a local attorney can also help you avoid unnecessary expenses.
National companies may recommend services or strategies that are not necessary or
effective for your specific case. Local attorneys, however, are more likely to provide
personalized advice that is tailored to your unique situation.

In conclusion, while national companies may seem like a convenient option for resolving
an IRS problem, using a local attorney can provide you with personalized attention,
familiarity with local IRS offices, and cost savings. When it comes to resolving an IRS
problem, it is always best to choose an attorney who understands your specific needs
and can provide you with the best possible representation.

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