Plantation Tax Attorney

Plantation, Florida Citizens May Seek Counsel to Reduce Tax Debt

If you live in Plantation, Florida you know what a wonderful place it is to live.  Beautiful landscapes, The Mosaic Theatre, The Equistrian Center, famous celebrities such as Candace Cameron and Chad Ochocinco, all make Plantation an interesting wonderful place to live.  However, IRS tax debts can quickly put a damper on your lifestyle no matter where you live.

Don’t let an inability to pay your tax liability keep you from responding to the IRS. You may not need to pay the full amount! Let an experienced tax attorney analyze your financial situation and then submit an Offer in Compromise to the IRS. An Offer in Compromise is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS that settles the taxpayer’s debt for less than the full amount owed.

An experienced tax attorney will negotiate with the IRS for you to pay the lowest amount possible. If you qualify for an Offer in Compromise and meet the IRS criteria, the law offices of Attorney Steven Klitzner will contact the IRS on your behalf. You will never have to meet directly with an IRS auditor. Let Florida Tax Solvers negotiate an Offer in Compromise settlement for you.

Factors that may allow you to qualify for an OIC:

Doubt as to Collectability

Potential earnings or extenuating circumstances such as health, age, or other unusual factors that affect an ability to pay, are taken into account and then calculated to reduce the liability of the amount owed.

Doubt as to Liability

If a taxpayer believes the amount of tax owed is incorrect, documentation or some form of evidence that will support the taxpayer’s request for an Offer in Compromise must be submitted.

Effective Tax Administration

Under this basis for an Offer in Compromise, the taxpayer is not disputing the amount of tax owed, or that there are sufficient assets and income to pay the entire liability. However, the taxpayer believes that, due to exceptional circumstances, paying the full amount of the tax would create a financial hardship.

The IRS is a formidable force to deal with. They can seize all of the money in your bank accounts, 401k, pension, or brokerage account to settle your tax liability. As a taxpayer, you have the right to submit a request that the IRS give fair consideration to a properly submitted OIC. Any federal liens placed on your property will be released when the Offer in Compromise is accepted by the IRS.
Contact Florida Tax Solvers today and learn if your tax amount owed may be decreased by an Offer in Compromise.

Contact Us Today

Please contact us to request a consultation and get help with your tax problems today.

Tax Problem Resolution Services

At Florida Tax Solvers, Steven Klitzner specializes in the following areas:

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