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Tax Attorney in Miami Shores, FL

The Problem with Taxes

The problem with taxes (besides the fact that we have to pay them) is that, when you fall behind in your tax payments, it seems almost impossible to catch up. There are installment plans for delinquent taxes that the IRS allows you to use to pay it out. But what happens when you miss a payment? Usually, you end up with a lien on your property, car, or other goods, and if you have a business, the IRS can even take some of your earnings because of it. So what can you do when you find yourself behind in tax payments?

The Solution

Before you sell everything you have to give to the IRS, think about your options with a Miami Shores, Florida tax attorney. They know the tax laws for both federal and state government and they can find a solution for you-one that you can live with. Sure, you know you have to pay what you owe the government. But even the government has some limits and they will also listen to reason.


Some people try to “do it yourself” and attempt to work out a payment plan with the IRS, even if they have defaulted on previous payment plans. This may work sometimes, and sometimes it may not. The best thing you can do is to trust a tax attorney to do this for you.

Why a Tax Attorney?

You should entrust your tax problems to a tax attorney because they know the tax laws. A tax attorney is there to protect you by representing your legal rights, so that you can work out a viable payback plan that is reasonable for you. They can look at your tax obligations, see if there are ways to reduce your overall tax debt, due to deductions you forgot to take and other loopholes, and levelize your debt into a manageable amount.

Miami Shores, FL Tax Attorneys

There are professional tax attorneys in the Miami Shores, Florida area who are eager and able to help you if you have been threatened with wage garnishments, liens, or levies. Don’t let the government rule your life. Let a tax attorney in Miami Shores be your voice to the IRS or state tax agencies, and work out a settlement that they’ll be happy with and that you can reasonably afford! Remember, they don’t own your life! Sit down with a tax attorney in Florida and discuss your options!

Contact Us Today!

Contact Steve Klitzner, local Miami Shores tax attorney, today for a free consultation. Get help with your tax problems today.

Local Representation For Tax Problem Resolution Services

At Florida Tax Solvers, Steven Klitzner specializes in the following areas:

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